Jessica Hult

Lead Trainer & NIODTA® Owner
Jessica (Jessie) Hult has always loved the outdoors and working in her community. She continues to show that dedication by being involved in local organizations focused on the preservation of our local area. A member of The Izaak Walton League of America White Oak River chapter, the only one in NC, Jessie served in various roles including shooting sports coodinator, water quality testing, and emammal citizen science projects for several years. Jessie was voted in as President in 2013 – 2017. During her time as President, she was the driving factor in the IWLA working with NC State University to stop the sale of the NCSU-CNS’s Hofmann Forest, 79,000 acres of wetland; as well as growing club membership 110%. Jessie was a delegate to the IWLA National Conventions in 2013 and 2017.
In addition to conservation, Jessica has also been very active with the Boy Scouts of America. She helped facilitate the chartering of BSA Troop 644 and Served as a chair member from 2013-2017. She also worked with BSA Croatan Trails day camp for 13 years. For five of those years, Jessie was Camp Program Director. Her certifications with the BSA are numerous and are all for Leadership and Teaching positions. She is also an Official NC-WRC Hunters Education Instructor for Carteret and Jones County since 2015. Alongside all of this, Jessie has also been active with local churches and in local and state politics.
While being married to dog trainer extraordinaire Donald Hult, and devoted to being a stay-at-home mother to their children, in 2005 she began helping part-time with her husband’s family businesses, NC K-9 Training, Inc and Hadnot Creek Kennel. From marketing and bookkeeping, to working with both dogs and their owners, Jessie has developed the tools to effectively manage a business and to stand in her husband’s stead as a dog/people trainer in her own right. Jessie helps to train all the dogs sent to Hadnot Creek Kennel for behavioral challenges. She handles the dogs that rescue organizations and other trainers simply cannot handle. Jessie also trains Hadnot Creek Kennel staff.
Throughout all these amazing opportunities and positions Jessie had continuously been by her husband’s side right up until his passing, and is still working with dogs and fulfilling all the managerial responsibilities that the business demands. Jessie has had a very active hand in both defining and developing NIODTA® and our Instinctive Obedience® training methods. Jessie will be using all her knowledge accumulated from all that she has accomplished to bring NIODTA’s® philosophy and teachings to everyone involved.